#G Callen x Reader
chiefdirector · 8 months
Bullets and Broken Glass | G Callen | NCIS: Los Angeles
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No.26: Curse
Callen knew from a young age that some people were meant to be alone, that some were forever cursed to solitude, that some people did not deserve to be loved. For a long time he thought that he was one of those people.
And then he met her.
Agent (Y/N) (L/N) crashed into his life with a series of bullets and broken glass. She was on an undercover operation, sent in from the NCIS basis in Washington D.C, nobody in the L.A office knew that she was here. Hetty had a field day talking to Vance about her presence and her abrupt gatecrashing of their own operation.
It didn't take long for Callen to know he wanted her on his team; it also didn't take long to convince her Los Angeles wasn't so bad. Despite his reliance on his partnership with Sam, Callen always cherished the days where he ended up with her in the field instead. It took him months to realise that the ease and trust he felt with her was something more than a professional friendship.
He had never truly be in love before, so much so he didn't even clock onto the feeling until he found himself wrecked by another nightmare and he found himself driving to her apartment, craving her presence. He also did not realise that he confessed his love for her at her doorstep not even twenty minutes after.
Callen hadn't expected to have the pieces of his life fall into place shortly after. Everything started to make sense; he did not believe in fate, but even he would acknowledge that something greater was at play to send something so divine to him.
He should've known that it wouldn't have lasted forever.
He lost her the same way he had found her, with bullets and broken glass. Nobody had expected the operation to go wrong, the building was meant to have been abandoned weeks ago; they were just scoping out the place to see if anything valuable had been left behind.
They were right, the building was deserted, but the neighbouring rooftop was not. The glass window next the the staircase gave the sniper a clear and direct view to (Y/N). Nobody noticed the red dot hovering on the back of her head until she crumpled to the ground. She died before she hit the floor.
It took a few moments for Callen to notice that she hadn't dodged the attack. He had assumed she had dove for shelter when the gunshot fired. As soon as he clocked on to what had happened, he rushed to her side, pulling her body into his as if that would bring her back.
The crunching of the glass around him caused him to lift his head away from her. Sam, Kensi, and Deeks all stood there, looks of pity on their faces. Callen looked down at her again, not letting himself believe what had happened.
Eventually the M.E came and took her body away. Sam took Callen back to the office and they both sat in silence. It took a while, but he stood up again and moved to the locker room where he stripped out of his ruined clothes and into the showers where he washed her blood from his skin.
Callen stood under the water for a while. He couldn't help but blame himself. He could not love anything without it being destroyed. Maybe if he hadn't of loved her then she would have lived. Deep down he knew that her death had nothing to do with him, but as his thoughts circled on the diamond ring he had planned to give her this evening, Callen couldn't help but feel cursed.
Masterlist | Whumptober Masterlist
@ailesswhumptober @happygirl-0408
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You know what?
Since nobody write anymore for NCIS LA i'm gonna write some G Callen imagine my self.
They'll suck, but it doesn't matter.
I will write it anyway.
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38 notes · View notes
G Callen Masterlist
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In progress
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campbellstruts · 2 years
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They’re the best and I love them (NCIS)
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Covert Affairs: Vostanik Sabatino x Reader (feat: G. Callen)
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @novamariestark @words-and-seeds @thiashazzywriting @whateversomethingbruh
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You’ve been with Sabatino almost two years when your relationship gets thrust into the spotlight. It’s a litany of stolen moments whenever he arrives back in LA. Whirlwind dinner dates and nights spent ruining you in the sheets of his hotel room. You hit your favourite brunch spots, ranking them with detailed notes you keep on your phone for the next time he’s in town. He gives you a tour of Hollywood, the places he used to haunt back in the day when he was playing with his band. You catch a couple of shows over pitchers of beer in a dive bar or two.
“Do you ever think about doing it again?” You ask him as you watch the band from a spot near the bar. Your back comes to rest against his chest, his arm looped around your waist, holding you close.
“Maybe one day, when I finally put down some roots.” He murmurs into your ear as he nuzzles the curve of your throat. “I miss making music.”
He fucks you in the bathroom of the bar, the pulse of the music vibrating through the walls as he goes down on you to a God-awful rendition of ‘Killer Queen’. Whenever you hear that song in the aftermath, you think of that night. His mouth on you, tongue thrust deep inside when you come for him just as Freddy hits the high note.
Sam’s away in Somalia when Nell and Eric identify a problem. Someone has been downloading classified data from the NCIS server and selling it on the black market. An investigation is opened into everyone who was working at a computer terminal during the download, and you happen to be one of them. You’d stayed late to catch up on the after-action reports after losing a bet to Callen at the shooting rage.
It’s ridiculous that a tickle in your nose just as you’re about to pull the trigger is the reason your whole life blows up.
Part of the investigation includes cloning the personal phones of the people under suspicion so they can deep dive into their lives. You make it relatively easy, leaving yours in the top drawer of your desk when you hit the gym with Kensi. Nobody really believes it’s you, you’ve been with them six years. You’ve shed blood, cried tears, saved their lives, fought their battles. For Nell and Eric, it’s simply a process of elimination, that is until they find a wealth of incriminating data.
Calls from multiple international sources they can’t verify.
An encrypted message app, hidden under the calculator icon.
A secret cache of files that are password protected.
It’s all high-level security, something you don’t need on your personal device, almost NSA level shit. Even with their tech savvy it would take hours to break into the phone and they don’t have that kind of time because you’ve just received a text from a burner cell telling you to meet at The Majestic Hotel, Room 216, later this evening.
You must be meeting the buyer.
They can’t take the risk of that information falling into the wrong hands, so it becomes an op with you as the target. It’s hastily put together, there’s no time to run prior surveillance because it’s going down just as they pull up to the hotel. They catch a glimpse of you stepping into the room before the door closes quietly behind you.
Callen, Deeks and Kensi take up residence just outside the door, allowing a few minutes for the exchange to take place before they use the keycard to gain entry.
When they burst into the room guns drawn, it’s not what anyone expected.
The first thing they see is Sabatino. He’s in a state of undress. His white button up shirt hangs open, revealing his bare chest including that messy scar etched into his flesh. There’s lipstick marks trailing down the hollow of his throat, staining his skin. It’s fire engine red, the shade you were wearing. He holds his hands up in a gesture of surrender, his body shielding you from what he perceives to be a threat.
For Callen it's an echo back to that day in Afghanistan, the one when Sabatino put himself between you and the bullet that would have ended your life.
When you step out from behind him, you’re in a similar state of disarray. Your lipstick is smeared across your mouth, your hands tugging the fabric of the black wrap dress around your body covering up the lingerie that you’re wearing.
You’re both arrested and taken to separate interrogation rooms in the Boatshed. You’re silent in the face of the accusation but Sabatino, he will not stop talking. He’s pissed on your behalf, that your team won’t give you the benefit of the doubt, that you’re being treated like a criminal. Him, he’s used to this shit, but you deserve better.
You don’t blame them for suspecting you, you know how it looks. You’d be doing the same thing in their shoes; in fact, you have.
They sweat you for a while, leave you spinning your wheels. It’s standard procedure in a case like this, let the suspect get in their own head, make them eager to talk. You know what’ll happen in that time, they’ll find evidence of your relationship with Sabatino. It’s not that that bothers you, it’s the intimate items you’d brought with you to the hotel room sitting in your overnight bag. The one that someone is now going to have to search through. It’s humiliating.
It's Callen that comes to interrogate you, you didn’t expect anything different, he is your superior after all. You know that your conversation is about to get a lot more personal because Callen has to consider the possibility that Sabatino’s been using you for intel, he wouldn’t be doing his due diligence if he didn’t.
“Your relationship with Sabatino, take me through it.”
So, you do, from that first kiss in the car to the last time he was in town. As you detail your relationship, things start to make sense to Callen, pieces he hasn’t put together until now. Sabatino’s reaction back in Afghanistan when you were taken, the fact he’d undertaken the prisoner walk instead of a member of your team. He had known that bullet was coming, that the Taliban couldn’t afford to let you go. He’d been prepared to die for you that day.
Callen thinks about earlier in the hotel room, Sabatino’s first instinct had been to get between you and whatever was coming through that door. He understands that urge, it’s reactive and primal, like a wolf protecting his mate.
There’s other things he’s noticed. Sabatino’s smile when you’re around, it brighter, more genuine. The look he gives you, there’s always a warmth in it despite the fact he’s being a smartass. The last time they’d arrested him, he’d been reserved but this time he’s irate and Callen knows that it comes from a place of love. That he’s infuriated on your behalf.
At the end of your story, you give him the passwords for your phone. Everything you need to prove the existence of your relationship resides on that device.
“See for yourself.” You tell him and he does.
Those files you’d encrypted?
The two of you eating ice cream on the boulevard, the sun setting in the background. Sabatino kissing your cheek as you smile into the camera at a bar in Hollywood. Him playing a guitar on the couch in your living room, a book of chords laid out in front of him. There’s more of them, documenting your relationship over the past two years. For anyone else these would be normal Instagram images but for someone who’s a covert agent they’re a death sentence.
The hidden chat app?
It’s full of voice notes filled with private, intimate things that no one else should ever be privy to.
When I look up at the sky tonight it reminds me of Afghanistan, the first night I spent with you.
You looked too beautiful to wake up this morning, I’m sorry I had to leave.
The sun’s just rising here, and all I can think about is how I wish I was waking up next to you.
The international calls?
Callen realises it’s Sabatino checking in, letting you know he’s still alive.
By all accounts he’s looking at a couple in love, one that’s been forced to keep their relationship a secret due the nature of Sabatino’s career. Callen’s worked for the CIA; he knows the risks. He also knows that this man would set the entire world on fire if anything happened to you.
“Come for a drink tonight.” Callen suggests when it’s all said and done. “I wanna get to know Sabatino a little better, you know, just in case he ends up joining the family.”
You roll your eyes as you stand in the main room of the Boatshed, gathering the few personal items that had been transported with you.
“Our very fucked up little family.” You retort.
“Neither less he’s important to you, so he’s important to us too.” Callen tells you.
You can hear the sincerity in voice. Callen doesn’t say things he doesn’t mean, not to you. You’ve been lied to too many times in the past before you’d transferred to LA. Your old partner back San Diego had been corrupt, it had been a severe blow to your psyche. You’d been transferred to LA because you were deemed a problem child. Callen got that, he’d understood it. He’d made you a deal.
“If you’re upfront with me, I’ll be upfront with you, it’s a two-way street.”  
That’s the way the two of you operated and it had worked consistently over the past six years.
“Even after all of this.” You say gesturing at the monitors that oversee the interrogation rooms.
You’re talking about the fact that you’ve spent two years hiding your life with a man, he has a kinda love/hate relationship with. Out of everyone you work with Callen has the most trust issues, this should be a problem for him, but the thing is, it’s not. He understands it on both levels. You’re protecting the man you love, and Sabatino, he’s protecting you too.
“Especially after all of this.” He says firmly before he places his palms on the surface of the wooden table and tilting his head up to meet your gaze. “Look I’m not going to pretend I understand what you see in the guy, but he cares about you, hell he almost died for you, and I can’t fault him for that. Trust me I want to, but I can’t.”
There’s an edge of humour to his voice because his interactions with Sabatino have always fluctuated between irritation and respect. The man is an excellent operative, and the problem is he knows it. You find yourself smiling despite yourself, your fingertips tapping lightly on the table.
“Alright.” You agree because this how you step into the light, how the two of you move forward into the future. “But the drinks are on you guys tonight.”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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taina-eny · 4 years
Bad Dream
As promised, this is the one shot I wanted to upload last Weekend.
Enjoy, and if you see mistakes, please tell me^^
G Callen x Reader
Prompt: none
Words: 3.352
Tagged: @imnot-typical-92 @susan1333 @coffeebooksandfandom 
“You shouldn´t eat so much sugar.” You told your boyfriend as you two walked through the halls to the bullpen.
“I like sugar, what is wrong about it?” He asked with his big bag slung over his shoulder. You looked at Callen.
“Nothing is wrong about liking sugar, but only if it isn´t the base of your nutrition. We should cook more.” He looked at you and raised his brow.
“I can´t cook and we both don´t have enough time for it.” You sighed and walked towards your desk. 
“I know, but maybe we could buy healthier take out?” You looked at G hopefully with your big (E/C) eyes. He put his bag down and went over to you.
“Of course (Y/N).” He gave you a quick kiss and you smiled. You looked in his blue eyes.
“Everything for you.” He whispered and put his hands on your waist. You locked your arms around his neck and leaned in for another kiss.
“Good morning!” You broke your kiss and turned your head to Sam. You smiled.
“Morning Sam!” Sam smiled at you two. “Had a nice night?” He asked innocently, but you and Callen knew his intentions.
“It was a good workout.” Told your boyfriend his partner and both you and Sam began to chuckle.
“What was a good workout?” Asked Deeks curiously when he and Kensi turned around the corner. Now Callen was the one chuckling with a smug smile on his face, while Sam just shook his head with a smile on his lips. Deeks stopped in the middle of the desks, while Kensi just sit down and started to smile too. You walked out of Callens grip and took your bag. When you walked past Deeks with a smug smile on your lips and winked sheepishly, it was only a matter of time until you heard his “oh”. It let your smile brighten up on your way up to OPS. Up there you began to work with Nell and Eric, when a new case came in.
“I get the others”, said Eric and walked out of the room. In the meanwhile you looked at the screen.
“There are too many”, you whispered.
“Exactly.” The prompt and unexpected reply would cause anybody to jump out of their skin, but not you. You merely turned your head to look at your small boss.
“And that´s why the team needs help.” You were about to ask her what she meant with that, but Eric came back in with the team in tow. You took some steps back, so you wouldn´t stand in front of the screen, and ended up between Kensi and Deeks.
“We found the video footage from this night ten minutes ago.” Explained Nell and started the video. You could see one victim and about ten attackers. They were brutal, the victim didn´t stand a chance against their hits. In the end they burned the victim alive, even though he was unconscious.
“Wow.” Deeks flat comment was the mood of everybody.
“Yeah, the victim was one of our informants”, told Nell and Eric continued.
“The attackers are all part of a Mexican cartel. We suppose they are still in LA.”
“Why do you think so?” Asked Sam, who leaned against the table with crossed arms.
“The victim was just one of our two informants. He was the older brother and his younger brother is still alive and somewhere here in LA. If they want to finish the job, they need to find the younger one”, you explained while you put a picture of the victim and his younger brother on the big screen.
“So, we don´t know where the younger brother is?” Asked Callen and looked to you, but Hetty beat you to the answer.
“Exactly. This is your job Mr. Callen. Find the boy and protect him. The cartel shouldn´t get a hold on him.”
“We don´t have enough time to search everywhere for him, we aren´t enough people.” You shared this opinion with Kensi. Your time was limited and you´ve got to many opponents to find and beat.
“I know Ms Blye. That´s why Ms Jones and Agent (L/N) will help you in the field.” You stared wide eyed at Hetty. You were shocked, but in a very positive way. You were a trained field agent after all.
Two years ago you were assigned to Callens team by Hetty, when your old team got separated. Well, you were alive, two of your three team members were killed and the last one was chained to the wheelchair. To be honest, you survived by mere luck, nothing more. This was your last job out in the field and since you came into this team, you were banned into OPS to work as an analyst and advisor.
At first you begged Hetty to let you work in the field, but after months of begging and nothing happened, you just accepted your fate. One year ago you and Callen started to date, and your ache for the field was gone. But now you realized that this fire was still burning inside you, this ache for the field was still there and you were eager to go out and fight the bad guys. You smiled, but before you could open your mouth, someone beat you to it, again.
“What?” It was Callens voice that reached your ears. You looked to your boyfriend and saw his worry.
“No, we are able to do it alone.”
“Mr Callen” Hetty stood her ground against your boyfriend and you were glad she did.
“Your girlfriend is a perfectly trained field agent and was stuck too long up here. If you already forgot it, she worked on more difficult cases then you and always succeeded with her team.” Callen wanted to argue back, but Hetty raised her hand and with a pointed look, he kept his mouth shut.
“Ms (L/N), if you would follow me?” She begged you to follow her and as you walked past Callen, you shot him a pissed look and an ironic thanks. You followed her into the weaponry.
“Ms (L/N), here is your clothing and the weapons you prefer.” She pointed to a stack of clothing and to the different weapons that laid on the table.
“Thank you” you told her surprised, “but how do you know all of that?”
“I would be a bad boss if I didn´t know my agents. Now get changed and come in the bullpen when you are ready.” She smiled and left you alone. After you were ready, you walked into the bullpen. Even though no one was directly looking at you, you felt every stare of your team, and your boyfriend in particular.
“I´m ready Hetty.” You called to your boss. And on cue, Nell walked down the stairs, also in another set of clothing.
“Shall we?” She asked you and gave you a weapon. You took it and gave her a small smile.
“We shall.”
  After that the whole team left HQ and searched after your target. The day was very exhausting, but eventually you found a lead. You were currently in the weaponry to prepare your weapons. The whole team worked in silence. When everyone was finished, they left quietly, so at the end only you and Callen were left. He eventually stopped and looked at you, but you just ignored him and prepared for the strike.
“Are we gonna keep this silence?” G asked you. You shrugged.
“Hell, (Y/N)! Could you please talk to me?” You set the weapon down, a bit harder than necessary, and looked sharp at him.
“What do you want me to say?” You asked sour. He looked at you quizzically.
“You wanted me to talk to you. About what?” Callen rounded the table and stood behind you, so you had to turn around.
“Are you gonna be angry with me forever?” He cocked his head and looked into your (E/C) eyes.
“You questioned my skills as an agent in front of the whole team. What do you expect me to be? Grateful? Happy?” “I was worried about you.”
You snorted.
“I´m worried about you too, but I don´t question you in front of everyone. That stings, G. It hurts.” You turned around and looked over the weapon. You heard a sigh behind you. Callen wanted to say something and opened his mouth, but Eric ran into the armory.
“We know where they are.” You grabbed your weapons and left, leaving Callen to follow your lead.
   You haven´t found your informant, but you found the guys that wanted to kill him.
“Everyone ready?” questioned your boyfriend with a small voice through your earpiece.
“We´re at the back”, said Kensi.
“We´re at the side entrance”, you replied, confirming the position of Nell and you.
“On my mark…now!”
As Callen gave the clear, Nell opened the door, so you walked in first, a small detail, but you wanted to make sure Nell was save. You heard shots being fired over your earpiece, but you needed to focus on you and Nell and every possible threat. You saw a man behind crates and fired your gun. Three shots and he went down. You spun around and saw how a second man was shot down by Nell. Both of them were armed with machine guns.
“Everything alright?” You asked her and waited.
“Yeah.” She nodded and you signaled her to search the room. After you looked everywhere and no enemy was found you turned to Nell and nodded.
“Everything is clear”, she told you.
“Status?” Callen asked over the earpiece.
“Everything´s clear”, explained Deeks.
“Same goes for us”, replied Nell and you walked to the man you shot down. Neither Nell nor you saw the woman, who came in from the floor.
   Callen nodded to Sam, after everyone told him they were alright. He looked around in the big hall. Kensi and Deeks walked to them, when he suddenly heard a shot.
All four of them went down. Then they realized, that the sound came from the other room. He shot up again as he heard a second one directly afterwards. He could feel his heart beating faster with each passing second.
“(Y/N)? Nell?” He asked with wide eyes and heavy breathing. He looked at his team, when Nells voice rang through their earpieces.
“Eric, I need a helicopter, fast!” He felt a sudden pressure on his chest.
Without a second thought he started running to the other room, all caution to the wind. He heard the footsteps of his team following. When he burst through the door, Nell turned around and pointed her weapon at them. When she realized it was Callen, she turned back around, her focus at the limb body lying next to her.
“No”, he whispered.
He didn´t saw the dead woman at the other door, neither the two dead men. He just saw the limp body that wore the same clothes as you.
When Nells sob reached his ears, he broke out of his trance and ran to you. Falling to his knees, he skidded to a stop next to you.
He felt a pressure behind his eyes.
He stared at you.
Your already dull eyes looked at the ceiling, your mouth gaped open like a fish out of water. When he saw the cause of your state, his tears slipped out of his eyes.
“I- I don´t know how to put more pressure on it without strangling her.” Nell´s voice broke at the end. Her hands were full of your blood.
He put his hands over hers, adding more pressure on the wound. He lifted his hands when he heard a shocked squeak from you, knowing he cut off your airways.
“Don´t,” he sobbed, “don´t die on me. You can´t die on me. You hear that? I don´t allow you to die (Y/N).”
He felt his own body beginning to shake.
“Eric? How long?” Sams voice was something he could focus on.
“Three minutes.”
“That´s too long. She won´t survive!”
A sob escaped his lips at his partners statement.
“G.” He looked down. Your weak voice sounded like heaven to him, your dull (E/C) eyes looked as radiant as ever. You could talk, you could survive. You looked directly at him.
“(Y/N)…”, he whispered, hope filling his voice.
“I love you.” Your voice sounded better, but why were your eyes rolling back? Why couldn’t he hear your gaping after air? Why couldn´t he feel your pulse any longer?
“No…” He searched your face. “No.”
He took his hands from your wound and started to reanimate you. After some seconds, he cried harder.
“No!” He said loudly. His tears were streaming down his face freely, his sobs ragged his body.
He took you in his arms, don´t caring that your blood would be all over him. He put his head against yours, his nose softly nuzzling yours.
“No…“ He couldn´t believe it.
“It´s too late Eric, she´s gone.”
He lost you. He lost the love of his life.
   The next day Callen sat on the couch at the bullpen. He stared in the room, not focused on anything except his aching heart. He was so sad and angry. Angry with himself, with you and with Hetty. You died, and the last thing you two were talking about was a stupid argument, because he was worried sick about you. But you didn´t saw this, you saw him as a backstabbing boyfriend, who didn´t trust in the skills of his girlfriend.
“Mr. Callen?” He looked up at his boss. He didn´t knew she was there. He changed his position and opened some space for Hetty to sit next to him.
“What is it, Hetty?” “The autopsy of Miss (L/N) is finished. I need to talk to you about the results.” He furrowed his brow.
“She was shot in the throat, the bullet hit the artery. She bled out.” It felt wrong to talk about you just like another victim. Hetty sighed.
“You are right. But the medical examiner found something. Something different.” She paused. Hetty wasn´t someone to pause, only if it was a difficult situation.
“Hetty?” He asked and leaned forward to look at her.
“Miss (L/N) was pregnant.” He felt like throwing up.
He let himself sink back in the couch. A lump was suddenly in his throat. He felt his eyes burning again and he couldn´t feel anything except the sorrow. He gulped.
“How long” he asked breathless.
“At the beginning, third week. She didn´t know.” He nodded.
“If she knew she-“, he sobbed quietly. “She wouldn´t have gone in the field. She would protect the child.” He knew that, they talked about it, when she thought she was pregnant. This was before they were in a relationship, and after the shock she was on birth control, or so he thought.
“Thanks Hetty” he told her quietly and focused on nothing, he just stared in the room. He didn´t realized when Hetty left. He was just so hurt.
First he felt all alone on this world, with the whole foster families, than with his jobs. The first family he had was his team here at NCIS. Then he found you, the new addition to his team. You weren´t very open, no one of the team was, but you weren´t even friendly or tried to get along with the team. At the first case everyone was pissed at you, even Eric and Nell. You worked on your own, so he thought you were a lone wolf, like him, but then he overheard a conversation between you and Hetty, just a week after you first showed up.
   “This isn´t fair!” You sounded angry. Callen hid at a spot, where he couldn´t be seen, but could hear you perfectly.
“This isn´t about fairness, Miss (L/N). It is about you and your ability to work as a field agent again.” You were an agent? He didn´t knew, he thought you were a profiler or something like this, or a technician, because you worked up in OPS.
“And as far as I can see, you aren´t able to work again.” He heard you snort.
“I am perfectly fine. I am healthy and the psychologist and the doctors gave their all clear, so what holds me back?”
“You aren´t working with my team, you were incredible unfriendly and cold towards them, how am I supposed to let you work with them?”
“That´s because I don’t want to work with them. See, I´m grateful that you took me under your wings, without you I wouldn´t be standing here, I would´ve lost my job, but I don´t want to work with anyone, I want to work alone.”
“That´s not possible. You are a team player and we both know it. You´re staying in OPS until you learn to work with my team.” Callen heard your footsteps and watched you leaving.
“It isn´t nice to eavesdrop on someone.” He looked at Hetty, who was standing now.
“What do you mean that she is a team player?” He didn´t even try to lie to Hetty.
“That, Mr. Callen, is a question you should ask her.” He huffed.
“She doesn´t even talk to me.”
“Then you should find another way. It´s worth a try.”
   It was worth it.
It was totally worth it.
He trusted you like no one else, even if it took its time.
“G?” Callen heard your voice, he was crazy. He felt crazy. He felt sleepy.
“G.” He felt heavy, he couldn´t keep his eyes open.
  He woke with a start. He didn´t know where he was. He started to panic.
“Shhh. Everything is alright, you´re safe.” He could hear your voice, loud and steady.
He realized he was in his bedroom, or better in his and your bedroom, in your shared bed.
He looked to the side and saw you there, healthy and alive. You have cocked your head, and he could see the worry in your (E/C) eyes. He couldn´t believe his eyes.
He frantically cupped your face and went down to your neck, where the bullet opened your skin and you bled, and now was your strong and steady pulse. He let his hands wander all over your body.
You sat quietly there and waited for your boyfriend to finish his checking. You knew how he was when he had a bad dream, but this was even new to you.
When he cupped your face on both sides, and put his forehead on yours to lightly nudge your nose, you knew something was very wrong. You waited in this position until his breathing got even.
“You wanna talk about it?” You asked him, knowing that he would possibly deny your question. So you were surprised when he nodded and started kissing you. You broke the kiss and lay down, guiding his head to your chest, so he could hear your heartbeat during his telling and you could cradle his head.
You listened to him till he finished, never pushing him to tell you something he didn´t want to and waiting for him on difficult passages. He finished and you didn´t know what to say. You died in his dream and were pregnant.
“G?” A humming noise came as response.
“You know I´m on birth control, right?” He made an approving noise.
“And you know I want to work in the field again?” He nodded.
“But you know, I wouldn´t decide anything without talking with you first. We are a couple, we should decide together about our future.”
“You are right.” He murmured. You decided to talk with him now.
“G? Do you want children?” You stopped caressing his head, when he put his head up to face you.
“Do you want children?” He empathized your addressing. Slowly you began to nod. 
He leaned forward to capture your lips with his. The kiss was passionate, the way his lips moved over yours was feeling like caressing.
When he backed away, you slowly opened your eyes to see him smirking at you.
“Then let´s start, and stop the birth control.”
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stanathanxoox · 4 years
2019 Advent Ficlet Challenge Masterlist
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gif is mine
2019 Advent Ficlet Challenge
Day 1 - Snowflake - Draco Malfoy x reader
Day 2 - Wish - G Callen x reader
Day 3 - The More The Merrier - Thomas Mendez x MC
Day 4 - Lights - Timothy McGee x reader
Day 5 - Wind - Adrian Raines x MC
Day 6 - Angel - Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Day 7 - Ashes and Soot - Richard Castle x Kate Beckett and Family
Day 8 - Warm Bath - Dr Ethan Ramsey x MC
Day 9 - Festive - Marty Deeks x reader
Day 10 - Once A Year - Adrian Raines x MC
Day 11 - Chimney - Jane Rizzoli x reader
Day 12 - Bah Humbug - George Weasley x reader
Day 13 - Family - Jasper Hale x reader
Day 14 - Not A Creature Was Stirring - Sawyer Oakley x MC
Day 15 - Midnight - Bo Larson x reader
Day 16 - Baby Please Come Home - Dr Ethan Ramsey x MC
Day 17 - Wonder - Thomas Mendez x MC
Day 18 - Exhausted - Sam Hanna x reader
Day 19 - Escape - Tony DiNozzo x reader
Day 20 - Christmas Present - Sawyer Oakley x MC
Day 21 - Winter - Neville Longbottom x reader
Day 22 - Miracle - Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Day 23 - Sentiment - Dr Bryce LaHella x MC
Day 24 - And To All A Good Night - Carlisle and Esme Cullen
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playbucky · 5 years
Still Got It
Requested by Anon – could you do kind of a crossover with callen from ncis and Anthony dinozzo from csi where dinozzo flirts with y/n callen gets jealous. Characters – Callen x Reader, Tony, Gibbs, Kensi, Deeks and McGee. Word Count – 603.
‘Hetty.’ Kensi said, as Hetty walked over to them at the table, three men following behind her, taking in the surroundings. ‘Agents DiNozzo, McGee and Gibbs are going to be working with us on this case.’ Hetty informed you, as you nodded you noticed Agent DiNozzo watching you. ‘Great.’ You said with a smile, as you leaned back into your seat. ‘Make yourself welcome boys whilst Gibbs and I talk.’ Hetty said, allowing the agents to make their way into the secluded area and introduce themselves to you all individually. ‘We’ll aren’t you beautiful?’ Tony asked, you heard Sam choke on his water as you glanced at them over Tony’s shoulder, seeing him covering up a laugh. ‘You have eyes agent, congrats.’ You said rolling your eyes, you pushed your chair back and stood up, moving away from your desk. ‘So you’re playing hard to get.’ He said, you raised your eyes brows as you were at the other side of the desk. ‘Yes, agent, absolutely.’ You said, your voice dripping with sarcasm, he smiled widely as you walked away from him and headed to the kitchen area. You flicked the kettle on to boil the water before getting all the ingredients out and grabbing two cups down, upon hearing footsteps. ‘He’s flirting with you.’ Callen said annoyed, you smiled at him as you turned around. ‘Let him have some fun.’ You said, he looked at you confused and rolled your eyes. ‘You know I love you and only you.’ You told him, reaching up you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
‘Ladies first.’ Tony said, opening the door for you. You gave him a smile before stepping through it. ‘Gee thanks.’ You said, walking past him, he was about to step behind you, but G snuck in before him, a satisfied smirk appeared when he heard him huff. But it quickly disappeared when Tony walked past him and started walking beside you, shamelessly sending pick up lines your direction. ‘Does he even realise?’ G asked when Sam got to his side, Sam chuckled and shook his head. ‘Come on G, let him have some fun.’ Sam told him, as he motioned to the pair in front of them. ‘We both know Y/N isn’t going do anything.’ Sam told him, he nodded and let out a huff as he watched Tony flirt mindlessly with you, you gave him a smile every now and then, but you were mainly focussed on your job.
‘So would you like to show me around town tonight?’ Tony asked confidently as he appeared at you side, as you were ordering a drink from Roberta, who was looking between the two of you. ‘You know, you’re sweet and all,’ Tony’s face lit up like a Christmas tree, ‘but I don’t think my boyfriend would like that.’ You told him, turning to face him. His face turned to shock, he coughed and fixed his suit trying to play it off. ‘Boyfriend?’ He asked, you nodded. ‘You see the man with the blue shirt on, and shaved in hair?’ You asked, as you turned and looked at Callen. Tony nodded slowly, Callen looked up and raised his glass at the pair of you, as you looked back over your shoulder to Tony. ‘Ahh.’ He said, a red tint covering his cheeks. ‘Yeah.’ You said taking a drink of the alcoholic beverage he had bought you. ‘So about this case?’ He said, wanting to apologise, you waved your hand dismissing it. ‘It’s fine.’ You gave him a smile, ‘it’s good to know I’ve still got it.’ You replied, he smiled and nodded.
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psychadelickate · 6 years
NCIS LA - Callen: Blue-Eyed Hero
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Imagine: Good looking Blue-Eyed Hero Word Count: 650 Fandom: NCIS Los Angeles Pairing: Callen Reader Rating: Teen Gif: Not Mine Requested: Anonymous Prompt:
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The hospital passageway seems miles long as you race through it to the Emergency Room. You’d gotten a call from Linda, the head nurse in the ER to let you know that ‘good looking, blue eyed, hero’ was back in the building, and she was patching him up. Your heart raced just hearing the words. Sure, he’d texted you to say he’d gotten a few cuts and bruises, but nothing an ice-pack couldn’t fix. So, to hear that he was in the ER sent your heart and mind into overdrive. You finally see the internal doors leading to the ER waiting room and push through, not worried about surprising the other occupants of the room. “Where is he?” you ask and no one needs to hear his name to know who you’re asking about. “Cubicle six,” Linda tells you. “Also, it looks worse than it is,” she yells as you walk toward cubicle six. You slide the door open, gaze zeroing in on the man in question.
A butterfly bandage on his right cheek, a fist sized bruise on the right side of his chest and an ace bandage wrapped around his right upper arm. You glance at his chart and your gaze focuses on one acronym GSW. The anger you didn’t know you had building rears its head. “You said it was nothing serious! A GSW doesn’t count as not serious!” you don’t need to yell, though you’re are he can here the anger in your voice. “It’s not,” he tells you, “Linda was being overdramatic,” he says, a heart melting smile gracing his face. “Callen,” you start again, only to be stopped by another voice. “Uh, not that this isn’t entertaining, but I think I’m missing something.” Deeks. Marty Deeks, your brain tells you just as Deeks introduces himself and the rest of the team to you. Sam Hanna, and Kenzie Blye. “And you are?” Deeks asks you, but you don’t answer, you look at Callen. “Dr (Y/L/N),” Callen answers before you can. “Wait, I’ve seen you before, you’re the woman Callen was having dinner with last week and two weeks previously when I picked him up,” Sam says. Three sets of eyes turn to you. “Dinner. With Callen.” Deeks singsongs. “Guys, could you give us a minute?” Callen asks his teammates and they all file out the room. You move closer to him and he points for you to sit on the bed. You do. He pulls you flush against him. Your sides touching from shoulder to leg. He takes your hand intertwining your fingers. “(Y/N), this really isn’t serious, you can take a look at the file. Like I said earlier, nothing an ice-pack can’t fix.” You nod your head. You know he has no reason to lie to you. “Besides, I still owe you dinner,” he says, offering you another heart-stopping smile. “Callen,” you start, but he stops you. “Also, now that the rest of them know about us, they’re not going to leave you alone.” he tells you. “If they’re the ones watching your back, I don’t mind,” you tell him. “Besides, it would be nice to ask them about you,” you say and it’s clear Callen hasn’t thought of that. “Should I be worried?” he asks and you can hear the smile in his voice. “I don’t know, should you?” you ask in reply and he pretends to think about it. “Come here,” he pulls you toward him and you let him, until your forehead are touching. “I love you,” he says, and that’s a first. It’s huge. “Callen,” you start, because you don’t want him to say it just to placate you “No (Y/N), I know what you’re thinking and this past few months with you, I wouldn’t change a thing. I love you and I’m not going anywhere,” he tells you before fusing his mouth to yours in a gentle kiss.
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(If you’d like to be tagged let me know) Mobile masterlist here Scroll down for Callen
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Main Tag
Happy Birthday, Dad!
It’s Complicated (Finished)
Saving The Princess
The freebie list - Gibbs version
The Happiest Man Alive
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Main Tag
It’s Complicated (Finished)
The freebie list - Pride version
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Main Tag
Second Chances
Sugar, spice, and everything nice
The freebie list - Callen version
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chiefdirector · 8 months
Blame Game | G. Callen | NCIS: Los Angeles
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No.22: Punishment
Callen knew it was his fault, there was no denying it. He was in Agent in Charge, he should have been the one to take the fall. Even outside of his professional responsibility, he was her husband and he had a duty to protect her, and he failed.
If it had been anyone else, he would not have felt such a burdern, but it wasn't just anyone. It was her. She had been taken from him and he didn't know when he would get her back.
Hetty had reassured him that undercover ops, like the one she had been assigned too, tend to have back up plans in place to counteract any failings on the teams part. He knew this. He also knew that if an undercover agent gets taken hostage during a mission, they most likely will not return home.
Callen couldn't help but think that her situation was his fault. He had always believed that everything he loves would be taken away from him. And now, watching her being taken away from his grasp, it only cemented his beliefs.
Maybe it was a punishment from some higher power. He had committed many atrocities in the name of the law, maybe this was the universe getting the balance is so often required. Or maybe it was just a cruel trick, someone wanted Callen to suffer, and so he did.
If there was anything that he could do to help them, he would in a heartbeat. But as he sat alone at his desk, the rest of team long since gone home for the night, he knew that her being taken away was not the punishment. His punishment was that he was powerless to help her.
Before, when she had been in danger, Callen had always been there. He had always had the power to save her before, he took control of the situation and he ensured that they would both survive. He had no control now; he had to have patience.
He knew that he would find his love eventually, he would not rest until he did. He just hoped that he would find them alive.
Masterlist | Whumptober Masterlist
@ailesswhumptober @happygirl-0408
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distinguisheddingus · 2 years
If someone write for NCIS LA (especially G Callen imagine) can add me to the tag list, please?
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silentwaters4 · 7 years
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For anon…enjoy!
You arched a brow at your boyfriend. You had no doubt his partner Sam was mirroring your expression behind you.
“An improv show?” you repeated, “Since when do you like to have fun?”
You heard Sam snort causing you to smirk a bit. Callen rolled his eyes and glanced over at Sam with a raised brow. He returned his attention to you, smile returning. He grabbed your hand and gently swung it back and forth.
“Since you told me you’ve been wanting to go to one,” he paused, spreading the tickets, “It’s your favorite group.” Your eyes widened as your mouth dropped. “Oh…my…goodness. Are you serious?”
He nodded. You giggled and pulled him into a hug. He pulled back his head before giving you a kiss. Smiling, you kissed him right back. He was smirking when the two of you pulled away.
“So, am I fun now?” Giggling you nodded. “Yeah.” “Just barely, G,” Sam piped in.
Perma-tags: @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @ttelesilla @caitsymichelle13 @myplaceofthingsilove @holywinchesterness @frostbyte-horan @lemonsareeverywhere
Request Here ; Submit Here
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dwaynepride · 7 years
Callen and Baisemain. I am b.l.u.s.h.i.n.g. just thinking about him doing that oh my dammmmmnnn
Baisemain - A kiss on the hand
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You were awoken with a start upon feeling the mattress shift. But when you started to move, a pair of lips lightly brushed the shell of your ear, gently shushing you. “It’s okay. It’s me.”
G. Finally home at what, 2am? “Better late than never.” You replied hoarsely, moving to make room for him.
He laid down with a long sigh, finally able to relax in a bed warmed by you. Callen wasn’t surprised to find your hand making its way into his; in fact, he was thankful for it. He was looking forward to being able to lay with you tonight. Being able to touch you and feel you.
When your fingers intertwined with his, Callen raised it up, pressed a long kiss to the spot where your thumb connects with the rest of your hand. “Well, I’m here now. And I really missed you.”
His head turned with a big smile, only to find your eyes already closed and your breathing deepen. So Callen just huffed amusingly and rested your interlocked hands on his chest, grateful for this, at least. More can come in the morning.
Drabbles are closed
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alittlepronetopanic · 7 years
I posted this a few days ago but for me, it’s not showing up in the searches for any of the tags. So I’m just going to do a bit of shameless plugging and repost it as a link to the original. (And hoping this post does show up in the searches - EDIT: this does seem to show up, but the fic itself still doesn't?)
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taina-eny · 4 years
I decided to make a masterlist of my storys. I hope it will help you find them more easily between my other posts (or mostly reblogs).
G Callen x Reader 
I just shot
Talk to her
Agent and Human 
Bad Dream
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